As a boy, my favourite way of making an "April fool " of my father was to give him empty eggshells in eggcups as boiled eggs for breakfast. He usually hadn't noticed the date b4 breakfast.
Note : A prankster plays pranks on people.He pranks them. If he hoaxes people, he gets them to believe somthing untrue.
Here is a selection from
The Washing of the Lions (1698)
The April 2, 1698 edition of Dawks’s News-Letter reported that “Yesterday being the first of April, several persons were sent to the Tower Ditch to see the Lions washed.” This is the first recorded instance of a popular April Fool's Day prank that involved sending people to the Tower of London to see the "washing of the lions." The joke was that there was no lion-washing ceremony. It was a fool's errand. (For more info, see the Hoaxipedia article: Washing The Lions) NB: the tower of london for centuries housed many things: the mint, the Royal Menagerie (that is, zoo, and the only one in England until Victorian times) , with Lions.This gave rise rise to "seeing the lions "(relative sophistication: someone who had "seen the lions" had visited London and seen and done all that there was to do and see. )-> social "lionhunting" literary lions, etc.
One of the most famous : The Swiss Spaghetti Harvest

• The Swiss Spaghetti Harvest (The footage itself on YouTube)
• The Swiss Spaghetti Harvest (full-length article)
• San Serriffe (full-length article)
You tube has a big selection, most bad , or worse. here's one:
and another:
and BBC , night of 31/03/08 to 01/04/08
Don't do them!
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